Patricia Dtk
map-marker Sumter, South Carolina

Not worth it

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

I bought a 1996 mobile home in 1999 brand new, its Finance threw Green Tree, o have already paid 85.000, balance is 27.000 thousand still, only worth 12000 now, can they do that

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Reason of review:
Pricing issue

Preferred solution: Should be paid for , not worth it

1 comment

Yes, and you approved it.

Carlus Ygp
map-marker Denver, Colorado

Green Tree changed name to Ditech who went Ch. 11. No service!

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full
Updated by user Jul 08, 2019

They're out of business! check your records

Original review Jul 07, 2019

Had a HAMP in place. Citi-MOrtgage sent back to Fannie Mae who sent to Green Tree.

They never paid my bonus, changed the interest rate on mortgage, changed their name to Ditech and continued to do terrible things till they went Ch. 11 in 2/19! Now they have my money and new nefarious servicer, Loan Care, refuses to accept my bank statements for years of on-time payments. Saying they believe Ditech.

Writing Rep. Katie Porter (Calif) as she was oversite to change these servicers and Fannie Mae to be proper. These are our homes! If you had a problem with Green Tree/Ditech, please register a complain with Congress.

Either Senator Grassley or Rep.

Katie Porter. This must stop!

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  • Thieves and scammers
map-marker Cortland, New York

Compleat scam

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

If you want a loan do not apply to these guys. There long winded sales rep will out right lie to you.

They told me my credit score was not good enough to get a loan with them or any one else.

It was over 700 bty ,The entire drawn out affair was leading up to getting me to sign up for there credit repair service. I got a personal loan with no trouble from an other service.

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  • Do not provide the advertised service
  • There customer reps are untruthful
Reason of review:
Not as described/ advertised

Preferred solution: Never contact me again


Green tree taking my money for years

I returned home n 2015 after paying for years after making several complaints. They made settlement to a cosigner that didnt pay 1penny harassed me for years.

I will now sue cosigner n ditech. They owe me thousands back.

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I worked for Green Tree as a Collections Manager - Pennsylvania Office

Senior Leadership condoned bad behavior, being rude, threatening to customers who where pushed into expensive loan arrangements for inferior manufactured housing. Mostly located in areas with hardworking people who may not have been business savvy to to protect themselves.

I remember one Saturday (end of the month) we had taken over Green Point, we had collected any and all past due amounts that was ethically possible. I got to go home, and released the collection staff. By the time I got home, which was about 40 minutes away, the Regional Manager (office manager) called me and said I HAD TO COME BACK because the company as a whole had not hit their collection goals. I went back but I refused to call the staff back as they had been dismissed for the Saturday.

Myself and the Manager sat there from 2pm until 9pm (couldn't call anyone after 9pm) no additional payments were collected, but this what the senior leadership wanted probably while they where enjoying their Saturday with their families.

we did all that and they closed the Pennsylvania office anyway. No ethics or standards here, just a free for all

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1 comment

Do you know how I would get a lien release on a mobile home bought in 85 and totally paid off. Green tree was the company


I Lost $5000 to GT llc

I've contacted then over 100 times. I went of to care for my x-wife in 2012 for 5 months with stage 4 Cancer.

When I arrived home the house was in foreclosure. Payment was autopay. Checked with bank & all payments withdrawn. They used every excuse for more $$$$!

Attorney fees, court files etc. Never recv a cent back.

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Phyliss Pga

This review is from a real person who provided valid contact information and hasn't been caught misusing, spamming or abusing our website. Check our FAQ

Verified Reviewer
| map-marker Mendota, Minnesota

Very inhuman

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

My late husband and I were with Greentree beween 2006 and 2008. My husband would make sure that the rent was paid every month.

Then on October 17, 2008 my husband was killed in a rollover. I was devastated, and going through a lot of depression. My husband was the one who paid the rent. Because of PTSD and major depressive disorder, I was on Social Security.

The rent had been paid for Oct 2008. Then because I was unable to pay the rent for Nov, I panicked. On Nov 17, 2008, I started getting money for my husband's work related accident, but it was only going to be $719.00, and then it would go up the following months. I paid the $719.00 and told greentree if it would be ok to pay the balance later.

They said no. When Dec came, I had to ask for help from my family. I had the money in my checking account because Greentree would take the rent out that way. I went through *** trying to pay the rent, because I couldnt afford to pay $891.00 a month.

I asked greentree if there was a way to maybe get a loan modification, and I was told no. I then received a foreclosure, and was told to leave. This was embarrassing and humiliating. I ended up moving in with my sister.

I was denied access to the place I was renting.

I lost important things there, tht can never be replaced. I have waited 3 years to find out about the lawsuit that Greentree, but nothing has happened.

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  • Company lies and threatings
  • Charges for online payment
Reason of review:
Poor customer service
map-marker San Antonio, Texas

How to deal with Greentree Mortgage company

I have read a host of complaints on this site regarding Greentree Mortgage lending and I can completely empathize. My wife have outstanding credit and a fixed rate mortgage that we have never missed a payment on. Bank of America sold our loan to the greasy, slippery, scummy, "pay-day loan type"-loan sharks in April. After extensive research, we realized that the company is poorly run, run like a "collection agency", and with employees who are rude, oboxious, contradictory, and uninformed.

We had between the 1st and 15th of every month to make our house payment as stipulated in the original mortgage that we signed, yet Greentree lending was now saying that anything received AFTER the 1st of each was considered "late", and would be delt with as a "delinquent account". Essentially, they were saying there was NO "grace period" for payment, which practially EVERY lending institution allows for. However, after several phone calls with horrible Greentree reps, I realized that in fact of the payment was made before roughly the 15th of every month it was NOT late.

Greentree has sent us statements claiming we are a month behind when we have in fact PAID the mortgage within the alloted time (before the 15h of every month). The statements are delibertly confusing, threatening and alarming but are also FALSE. They have sent letters which are tantamount to "collection letters", and even have "collection agency" written on the bttm of the letter. As stated, my wife and I have a PRIME mortgage loan and outstanding credit, both of which are valuable commodities in this market. We have decided to get proactive concerning our mortgage and these hooligans-thugs-scumbags by complaining to EVERY and ANY agency having anything to do with housing or lending.

Here is a list of what to do "if" you are having trouble with these "s-bags".....

(1) Write a complaint to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) immedately. They don't deal with complaints on an individual basis only as an aggregate. When they get enough complaints, they will take action. An important first step.

(2) Contact/complain to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). This is a new agency, and they will act almost immeadately when they receive a complaint. They have been outstanding thus far with regard to Greentree.

(3) Contact/complain to the Office of the Consumer Credit Commissioner for your state. They recently received our complaint and have filed it against GreenTree.

(4)Complain to Department of Savings and Mortgage lending for your state. They take this stuff seriously, at least they do in our state!

(5)Complain to the Attorney General of your state. Greentree is engaging in deceptive trade practices and breaking a contractual agreement by making statements that payments aren't on time if they are paid after the 1st of each month, but before the 15th.

(6)Complain the district attorney for your city/county.

(7) Complain to the Better Business Bureau. Another black mark against Greentree.

(8)CHECK YOUR CREDIT! It's always a good idea to do a periodic check of your credit, but with an unscruplous lender like Greentree on the prowl, check it every 2-3 months. You can get an account with one of the big 3 credit rating agencies (Experian, TransUnion and Equifax).

(9) KEEP A REORD OF EVERYTHING! Make a folder and KEEP a record of EVERYTHING Greentree says and does. This includes ALL billing statements and ALL complaints.

Hope all of this helps!

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Carlus Ygp

Green Tree changed name to Ditech which went Ch. 11 in 2/19!!

Fannie Mae passed out loan on to Loan Care who are the worse. Although I have provided on-time payments for years with Ditech/Greentree, they insist we "owe" $5,000 in late fees and mortgage payments. Colorado stinks in this regard. I have even personally made appointments with every Colorado agency that might help and they don't.

And Don't ask Fannie Mae. They are useless.


Great suggestions - also stop paying with a personal check.

They use the routing number from your checks to post payments, hence only partial payments made and then they can claim that you didn't pay on time or in full each month - stop these bastards in their tracks:

Place a STOP PAYMENT order on Green Tree Now Known As DITECH through your bank. It is a one time fee $25 - $50 depending on the Bank.

Get a Cashier's Check each month for the amount you want to pay and allocate extra monies to be applied to your principal.

Cost: $3 or so each time.

Make a photocopy of the Cashier's Check and Statement before you send payment.

Prepare a Certified Mail (Green Signature Card with corresponding tracking receipt) - Make photocopy of this also. Mail payment via Certified Mail. Maintain chronological records of every payment and correspondence from Green Tree NKA Ditech. Some might think that it isn't fair to have to spend money to protect against a predatory collection agency - I agree, it sucks, but if you don't take steps to protect yourself these criminals could take everything you have worked for.

I say Invest in Yourselves and Your Futures: You deserve to Enjoy ALL that you have created: Yes, spend $25 one time fee to place stop payment against Green Tree KNA Ditech- they will no longer have legal access to your bank account.

The $3 Cashier's Check fee and Certified Mailing $6 to $8 are well worth peace of mind Because the Cashier's Check is FDIC drawn, the Ditech creeps will be less likely to "lose" it - Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation rules apply. File complaints with the FDIC


I got dumped on them when GMAC (another bottom dweller went under) and I had problems from day one. But I kept a file, I corresponded with them-never called-you NEED documentation, and a paper trail.

Citing RESPA about everything they were doing WRONG. They had me in arrears constantly, though I was paying. They had the WRONG escrow amt, though they were provided with statements from the assessor and my insurance carrier. They were posting partial payments.

I took the file directly to my congressman and said ENOUGH. These people are vultures, incompetent and I want intervention. Then I did as this other person did, I filed complaints with EVERY known source I could. If everyone would COMPLAIN, constantly to every known entity about how SHADY and underhanded this "company" is.

It would get them fined, and shut down. So please get governmental people involved, the MORE the better. Let them know you as a consumer do NOT deserve to be DUMPED on criminals to service your loan when you have NO say in who can service a mortgage.

We the People should have CHOICE in who does this, not be DUMPED on a "company" that has a "F" rating with BBB, and every OTHER consumer advocate group. Time the government ENDED their fraudulent activity towards We the People!


They want to charge $12.00 to pay on line. What snail mail century are they in. I called and requested they to sell my loan to ANYBODY else and they diffantly do NOT want you to pay extra or pay EARLY.


something else that should be listed as one of their hidden fees 8.00 a day if payment is considered late is what they will add on to your loan. there may be more hidden fees. worth checking out.


Good suggestions that I will implement.

Has anything been resolved for you as a result of filing all these complaints? I have been dealing with GreenTree's incompetence and rudeness since they acquired my loan several months ago, and am still waiting for them to sign over an insurance check so that I can start repairs on my roof.


I over paid my current monthly mortgage by .11 cents, but have been told that they only received a total of .11 cents for said payment. Straight to the point, I use online bill pay, All my payments are rounded up to the nearest whole dollar figure..

It works great for me, period. They don't get it, do they ?


We have the same *** up people with this greentree We have done everything we can to try to make this right and still have the *** so I'm going to try some of this and see how far we can get if not I'm going to the news and push it as far as we can I'm sick of this *** house payment went from $500 to $796 a month :(****5668.html#


it was a scam to begin with during the yr's 2000-**** before stock market crashed giving out these made up triple A ratings ,{fake package they slap together }on people to give them ,almost anyone a loan to capitalize on the poor sob's, clean them out ,owe us forever ,we are selling your loan anyway & taking ours "money' right off the top .scam artist ,devils at work ,sign here .it will catch up to them all soon ,living like kings and queens ,there bottom will drop out too.. cant keep scamming people ,big banks did this too ,was all a plan ,it ruined the economy ,hurt lots of good people ,let the government get on them they are about to pay big time ,& jail time .hope we all get letters or are getting letters to have all are mtg's re:done honestly ,properly .oh PMI .did the big banks have both hands out during the bail out on collecting there ?


I filed a complaint to BBB. Their response back was to blame a third party name Melon bank.

They said Melon bank should report the payment within 24 hrs. I think they just bullxxx me. People please file complaint to BBB. We can put them out if we have enough man power.

Plus it is fun to see how they come up with response to the compliant. Very creative liar!!

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map-marker Tampa, Florida

Mobile home

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

I purchase a home in 1998 and I still owe about two no $28,000 on this home. Can someone please help me obtain a lawyer because right now I am in bankruptcy making my monthly payments but I still do not think it's fair that I owe that much on this mobile home and it's a 1998 please anyone help me.

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Reason of review:
Problems with payment
Arjay Kvl

Greentree Servicing - Mortgage Review

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

My late husband and I were buying a home in Salt Lake. The mortgage had been taken over by Green tree.

The year was 2008. We paid the mortgage every month. Then on Oct 17, 2008, my husband was killed in a one vehicle rollover. I was devastated.

The mortgage had already been paid for the month of October. I thought Greentree would understand when I told them what happened to me husband, but they weren't. I was told that if I didn't pay the mortgage that the house would go in foreclosure. In the last part of December 2008, $891.00 was taken out of my checking, which I owed.

Then on Jan 2, 2009, $891 was taken out again by GreenTree. I had no money in the bank to support it. I had nothing but problems with Greentree. They made threatening phone calls to me, I ended up having an emotional breakdown and ended up in the hospital.

I never got any help to see if there was a way to stay in the house under a program. But I got absolutely nothing

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Reason of review:
Poor customer service


stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

Do not use this company. Absolutely no customer service.

Ive been trying for 3 months to be out on biweekly payments. They have done nothing. Instead they are charging me late fees cause i have to split my payment up every two paychecks. Absolutely wrong.

They need to.get off there behinds and do there jobs. I am in.the process of finding a better mortgage company.

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Reason of review:
Problems with payment

The worst customer service ever!!!

The account representative never returned calls. I submitted a settlement request to close my account in early March 2017.

I received a correspondence stating that a decision would be made within 30 days. It now May 23, 2017, no decision yet. I've left repeated messages on the account representative voice mail. I've no received a single return calls.

Whenever I speak with a customer representative, they all say the same thing: I just sent your acct representative and his manager an email. I'm told repeatedly that the person that must review it is either sick, on vacation, or not in. I'm constantly told to call back the next day for a decision.

I'm repeatedly told that it's on the Vice President or President desk for a review. I've probably left 30+ messages and have received zero return call from neither the account representative nor his manager.

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Reason of review:
Poor customer service

Now greentree is diteck still I can't get a response out of them awsome

Carlus Ygp
reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-1353894

Ditech is now in Ch. 11 bankruptcy in NY courts!!

They have my money and Fannie Mae transferred many of us to Loan Care who say we owe money to them in erroneous accounting from Ditech. Now out of business. Call Congress!

Get them to get Fannie Mae to be more accountable with the slip-shod servicers with no consciousness nor a sense of business! These are our homes!

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Short Review on November&nbs-05:00;21,&nbs-05:00;2016

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

Had the money wudnt accept lost home anyway after they told me the night before to be at courthiuse by 7am and i had to sleep for 6months on a floor with my kids

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Reason of review:
Problems with payment
map-marker Miami, Florida


To save the reader time: HERE ARE JUST A FEW EXTRACTS FROM THE GREEN TREE REVIEWS POSTED IN ONLY THE LAST TWO AND A HALF WEEKS. (There are no positive or even mild reviews posted by anyone)

…The title company had it right but GT screwed this up, I am outta my mind with this..... Does anyone know of a class action suit against GT? Is anyone interested in filing a class action lawsuit?

…This company wasted so much money on paying people to harass people when their payments are just a few days late due to their change in payments that no one was noticed about. I'm sure there are laws against this action by this company.

…….have to Fight For!!! And the ongoing battle to get a statement!!! I will not stop until they start sending me a statement. I don't know what the *** is going on with my account for past 2 years!!!

Greentree has been my mortgage company twice now, not by choice but by someone selling them our loan. They are rude and disrespectful.

…..I have paid this loan for over 10 years on time, not once late. I cannot get one single person to help me with the unjustified late fees and interest. How can a bank get away with ripping off their customers? I will never ever do business with them again and will make sure every person I know avoids them as well. I am in real estate so I will make sure it gets out there how they rip off the customers and refuse to make their errors right.

……….We sent a payment via Western Union. They keep saying it was not received but western confirms it was. Keep getting calls saying it wasn't.

... The daily calls (at least 6x a day), the rudeness, unprofessionalism, numerous reps that have different solutions/requests. Reading a lot of these reports here, I cannot believe these people are human... They have no remorse and are monsters.

….I am just trying to get caught up on my payments but I am getting lied to constantly. They are unethical in every sense of the word. And what they are doing should be illegal.

… I contacted the company and got a payoff figure and mailed a check for the payoff amount on Thursday January 22nd 2015. These people are crooks. Don't under any circumstances do any financial business with this company. This company should be investigated by the federal government for fraudulent activities.

…Very rude ugly people when we are the ones making their pay checks happen. According to them there are no supervisors just managers. Really I don't believe that for one minute. If anyone is considering using Greentree I advise you to use someone else. God forbid you ever get down and can't pay one month cause they could care less.

…When I have them both, I am turning them over to my AG Consumer Protection Division. I'm from the days of "honor and integrity". Sadly, sleazy companies like Greentree AND BOA have neither.

…Their website messaging service isn't working likely because so many people are writing in and complaining! I hate to think about how many people they are currently harassing for no reason. Not surprising that there are Facebook pages dedicated to the terrible customer service continually provided by Greentree.

…to date NO response as to what they've done with our money. ALSO filed complaints with NC Attorney General's office and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau - ANY of you reading with issues should do the same.

…I sure hope there is a lawyer that is seeing all these complaints that would want to bring a class action law suit against this company on our behalfs to try and take down this bank. Please add me to this law suit. Send me a message on Facebook or via email I used here to file a complaint... Waiting to see if they send anything else. If they do I plan to send a letter by certified mail to them to stop Any further attempts at contacting me!

…The supervisor was unbelievably unprofessional and rude. I ended up terminating the phone call. I would encourage anyone to avoid this company at all costs. I didn't see a single good review out here.

…Greentree offered me the HARP program back in September 2014… I wonder how many HARP loans have actually reached the people who need them most or is it being misappropriated for repeat bogus appraisals and wasted manpower? I am crying for help and I do not know where to get that help from.

…When I try to "contact" via online complaint, it simply will not go through. OBVIOUSLY Greentree does not care. And why should they? Based on other reviews, NOBODY is happy with them but it does not seem to matter. They obviously do not rely on people CHOOSING them. I hope they sell my mortgage soon.

…Two weeks pass, I call and OF COURSEEEE they never received my papers. The same game all these mortgage companies play. Someone really needs to shut this place down! How many homes have they taken by doing what they do?!

…They try to pressure us into auto-bill pay, but there is absolutely NO way we are giving Green Tree access to our accounts. Unfortunately, refinancing with another lending institution isn't an option, so we will be seeking legal advice to see what our options are

…My mortgage company was issued to Greentree…you can never get through and when you do, they are rude, disrespectful, distasteful attitude and cruel…This company needs to shut down and be investigated for fraud...

…They just ignore us and kick a middle class family with 3 kids out to the street. What has this world come to?

…Come to find out the house had sold that Monday and he was actually in Jonesboro signing the papers while he was talking to me. He is nothing but a LIAR!!!!!!

…They bombarded us with offers to refinance and lower our payment, and finally when we called, I spoke with a rep who said my husband qualified, so we ran his credit, he said he'd get back with us. He never called

…We never had to deal with such an incompetent, inexperienced, and unprofessional company and its people… The ladies on the phone either hang up on us or they do not know what they are talking about and cannot answer ANY of our questions. We were told everything would stay the same as we had with the CitiMortgage, but it is a total opposite from what we had and what we have to deal right now. The WORST company ever!

…I have been with Green Tree since 1998. This company is the worst I have ever seen.

…They (Green Tree) are aggressive and intimidating, demanding and rude. I pay within the grace period, never after. The only reason to calls is to intimidate. Complaints can be filed with:

… Citi Mortgage sold my mortgage to Greentree. We had direct deposit with Citi Mortgage and was unable to get it set up online with GreenTree. They are very unprofessional, insulting, rude... I couldn't believe that this is a real company... Uncivilized, primitive, gangster and mob style...

… We had a Citibank mortgage for 12 years before Green Tree came along and we NEVER had a customer service issue… I have NEVER had such POOR customer service from ANY mortgage company (we have had numerous mortgages and homes). If any one has the chance to refinance- DO IT!

… My wife and I feel that Greentree was fraudulent in requiring insurance premiums for a non - existent policy, and used our money for their benefit, at our expense.

…Greentree had me send information in over and over again and never do anything with it. Once they said it was in underwriting and that was a lie too. Spend hours on the phone - 100% run around. Lots of lies...

… Our mortgage was acquired by Greentree from Bank of America in mid 2013. We did not ask for this and in the approximate year and a half, have been unhappy with their services.

… Greentree called…they were rude, refused to speak to my wife even though I gave them permission. They hung up on her.

…Class action needs to happen and they need put in their place. These people has caused a lot of mental anguish and disruption for my family. They put words in my mouth and tell me I say things I never said. They have treated us with intimidating, lying, demanding, ignorance, rudeness, acted very childish, immature non professional behavior, etc.

*There are dozens of pages more of negative reviews, if you care to read them…

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Reason of review:
Poor customer service

they are not abiding by the law and bankruptcy court


green tree needs to be shut down for good they are the devils that needs to be took they are the devils need taken out


The Judge in any court should be reminded that he is the defender of the constitution-you and the judge are the only ones that have something to lose- his career your house


Make sure that they have your complete note in hand,or in standing. They have to prove they have it or they do not have a contract with you it is with the lender or servicer that transferred the loan to them-bad paper tactics are being used


Green tree made me pay 12 dollars every time I made a payment forced into their non existent homeowners policy made payoff on mortgage and did not receive deed for home for two years


I wish I could get someone to investigate the federal government-

mortgage companies-,they all get bailed out with Millions of $$$'s

the poor indivigual who only wants to stay in their home, gets -

nothing, but the sale date.


I also have been screwed by GreenTree. I don't think that there is anyone that care.

I have filed complaint with everyone who should care, but they don't! Someone is making money from our misery. I have an attorney on my case.

Still, no help yet! If there is an attorney out there that has the balls to take on GreenTree and Ditech, I sure would like to talk to them.


What Happen to the Money that was being paid back to the owners of the properties ? And what happen to the Federal Judges order regarding returning Moneys or an Clear Deed of that properties ?


I am very interested in jo*ning the lawsuit against greentree. I just need to know what i need to do. They haras=sed me so bad that i had panick attacks on top of my existing health problems.


now Ditech and they are even worse if that could be charging me fees I wasn't even aware of just appeared a ghostly $55 their reps are not informed I personally can not contact them via email I suspect they blocked me and phone calls oh people don't do that they will *** over in a heart beat...get everything dealing with this *** bottom feeding company IN WRITING it may save your butt!!!

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map-marker San Mateo, California

Greentree Servicing Home Loan Review from San Mateo, California

I purchased a mobile home from a private party under contract for deed for $28.000 any money put into it constituted down payment i put $13.000 in repair along with $14.000 for a new roof and siding do to water leakage .paid the $28.000 off not including the repairs . called Greentree and asked were ny title was .

They said Brian Jscibson lied to you about the amount owing as well as the very high interst rate in this loan . Brian also told us not to give you aby information . 1 week later Greentree started calling me from 8:30 am till the evening 10 plus calls aday monday- Sat. I was going through Chemo and it was Christmas time .

i called Brian the one i did the CFD with asked him what was going on i said i paid this off . he said so i lied i said you told me that the loan payoff was $28.000 i said you lied he said so what i dont give a blank let them forclose i have a nice home to go to . i m a single Father of 3 small Sons at the time . being sick i was getting calls from Greetree every day 10 plus one day i was at my Dr.

Appt and my 12 year old so answerd the phone with my Mom listining on the other phone Charity said let me talk to your Dad i know he is home . my Son said no he was not so Charity from Greentree called my Son a litle *** lyer. So my Mom said somthing to her and Charity hung up . when i got home i calked Charity not happy at the time her responce was i dont give a *** what you think .

i said i have no money to send you it took me a year to save up for my sons Christmas presents . Charity said take them all back and send us the money you get from returning the presents . or i will send you a nicly christmas wrapoed with a bow on the letter present for you of the forclosue. She had me on tears so i had to hang up .

sick as ibwas it took me 9 hours to return all my 3 sons Christmas gifts . than i sent Greentree the check minus $36.00 . at the time and still to this date i am on Sochial Security Disability . so for the next 5 months Greentree called and left basty rude message .

i had wrote them my nane is not on any loan document at Greentree you have no rught to be calling me at a so stop the calls right now . they egnored me a kept the calls up .paid the $36.00 . my original payment was $309.00 per month they called and said your paynent is now 335.00 for the forced place insurance . over a period of time the kept uppin my paynen to $355.00 per month i said what for we csnt tell you .i was forced by them to send 7 months worth of mortgage payment at a time or they would forclose .so i sent them 4 months ago i missed a payment du to visiting my Mother who had a bad stoke i was spending 400 a month on gas cause they live an hour east of me calked the corparatw office and asked them what my true payment is they said $345.00 a month they said theycwere just tryin to get more money thst whatcwa do Thr Carver County i talke with the Procicuter told him my story .

the prtacuting this case said both green tree and Ditecr andcBrian Jacobso thtey are all guity og Felony fraud covictions for what thet both has caused my badcdepression cact sleep nor funktion.please help me i pray you or somone cachelp me to make both partys accountable .i want to get involved in a class action lawsuit against Greetree / Diteck and Brian Jacobson for all the enotional pain they have caused me in my life this is my home and i will never walk awayx from all the money i have put into the home. .I pray you will read this post i pray for your help please please help me ther is. So much more i need to tell you.

Thank you andcall GODS BLEESSINS Thank you Troy Flynnn phn. 952-451-****

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Reason of review:
Problems with payment

Misplaced payments, rude customer service representative, incorrect escrow amounts

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Our mortgage was originally with GMAC, in 2011 it was sold to Greentree. We pay our mortgage bi-weekly and the company we used for GMAC said they can send our payments to Greentree. Everything was set to go.

First few months all was OK. I get a call from my husband saying did you pay the mortgage? I said of course it auto drafts and get sent out. Verified with bank funds withdrew, verified with company that sent that it was sent out on time, it was.

Greentree had the payment but just did not post it. They called and demanded payment which we refused due to they had it. This went on monthly with the threats, and "missed" payment.

We then get our statement advising that for escrow we have to come up with an additional $680.00 for taxes and insurance. I said how as there was no increase in either?! Our mortgage from GMAC was about $900/ month after 18 months with Greentree it was $1150.

We refinanced with another company and pray our mortgage is not sold again. If possible refinance and get away from this company.

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Reason of review:
Poor customer service



Green Tree is one of America's largest financial services company which has been on the market for the last 20 years. It is headquartered in Saint Paul, Minnesota. The company operates in the area of housing loans, home equity and improvement and consumer installment loans. Green Tree promises to increase returns for its investors in a short period of time. The company offers you an online account which is easy to reach wherever you are, all your loans are stated there with any changes being shown instantly. The company is represented nationwide in Temple, Arizona and Rapid City, South Dakota as well as in field offices.

Greentree Servicing reviews and complaints

Greentree Servicing is ranked 355 out of 1132 in Loans and Mortgages category

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